Jews were inevitably discriminated against culturally and institutionally

Jews were inevitably discriminated against culturally and institutionally



During the central Middle Ages, the Catholic church defined its policy towards the Jews. As a social minority group that had religious practices different from the mainstream, it was inevitable for the Jews to be discriminated both culturally and institutionally. From the cultural and religious perspective, Christians believed that Judah, who betrayed Jesus, was a Jew. This was the origin of the evil and dishonest stereotype against Jews. In return, Judaism was a Henotheism religion that did not believe in the notions of heaven, hell, or Jesus being the savior of the world. These ideological differences led to the further divergence among the two.

Institutional discrimination against Jews were equally severe in Europe. Christianity was the dominant religion in Europe, and it infiltrated the political sector as well. This was the main reason why Jews were considered politically inferior citizens. Although Judaism was permitted, Jews were not allowed to hold official positions. In the 13th century, Jews were also required to wear a badge, a cap, or distinguishable clothing that helped others identify them. It was not common for Jews to mingle with Christians because they were discriminated against. Therefore, Jews Medieval Europe commonly lived only in designated areas of the town.

Unable to participate in the more “honorable” positions, Jews became business persons to earn a living. Many entered the highly profitable moneylending business. This alarmed the officials again, fearing that the Jews may accumulate wealth and power above Christendom. Moneylending was thus criticized as a sin for Christians, despite the fact that moneylending activities contributed greatly to the thriving economy. Legislations were created and enforces that specifically targeted Jews. Eventually, Jews in England and France were expelled in 1290 and 1306 respectively. Germany and Austria followed in the 14th century. Centuries of ideological divide finally led to racial hatred and violence on the mass scale.





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